Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Baby Colt

When my son was 5 years old, his Kindergarten teacher retired halfway though the year. He doesn't do change well, so I worried about the new teacher that would be taking her place for the rest of the year. Little did I know at the time, how much we would need that teacher and her support that year. I am happy to say that even after that year we stayed in contact (for the last 7 years.) I would text her every so often to see if she knew the new teachers that my boy was getting that year, and if she thought they'd be a good fit for him. We'd text when she got placed at a new school, and I was desperate to know if she would be at my sons school. Most recently I texted to congratulate her on her precious new baby!
Less than a week later we planned a newborn photo session! I like to get that first photo session in within the first 2 weeks. When they are still all sleepy and bendy. So this past Sunday I headed over to their house on baby Colt's 2 week birthday. The session started with a bit of crying, but once mommy fed him, he was content as can be. From there on the rest of the shoot was magical. I got to hold him and smell that new baby smell. And can we talk about that hair? So cute! 
Here are some photos of my afternoon with baby Colt!

Baby Sneezes!

Big Brother Braylon had to get in there too of course! 

To book a session, or see more of my work you can see my Facebook page HERE
You can also check out my website HERE
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