Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Holden is turning three!

Holden's mama contacted me towards the end of December, to take some photos of him for his upcoming birthday. Just like me Lacie likes to plan ahead, so after we talked details we set an end of February date. Thanks to a couple of snow storms that date had to go. The look we were going for just wasn't gonna work in the snow. Only 2 weeks later, it was a sunny almost 80 * day. That's North Carolina weather for you! 

Holden is turning three in a few weeks, and his birthday party is the theme of his favorite movie, Planes! I hit up Pinterest for all the planes ideas I could find. I came across this one that both Lacie and I really liked with a cardboard box airplane. I put it together and about 17 coats of paint later I was done. Did you know cardboard absorbs paint?! I do now!

Our session day was this past Sunday, and like I said almost 80 and SUNNY! Holden was just the cutest little thing I've ever seen! He was very wary of me at first. But once he saw all the goodies I had stashed in my camera bag, we were fast friends! A Pez dispenser is always my secret weapon for smiles, and I just happened to find a planes one! You'll see it in a few of the photos! 

I had a super fun afternoon with Holden, we ran around the beautiful West Lincoln park, rolled on the ground, slid down the slide. Every thing an almost 3 year old boy likes to do!
Here are a few photos from our day! 

Holden's Grandma came along for the session! 

To see more of my work, or book a session you can find my Facebook page HERE

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